• Faculty
  • Nyasha Grayman-Simpson
  • Nyasha Grayman-Simpson

    Henry S. 杜兰尼教授和副教授Psychology; Africana Studies

    Dr. Nyasha Grayman-Simpson是Henry S. 杜兰尼教授和副教授 心理学和非洲研究博士. 她也是一名有执照的心理治疗师 state of Maryland, with certifications in grief counseling and trauma. Dr. Grayman-Simpson completed her doctorate in Counseling Psychology at New York University, and worked as a full-time elementary school teacher, youth and family program director with the YMCA, and research scientist before joining the professoriate full-time. Prior to her arrival at Goucher in 2009, she taught Human Development, Psychology, and Counseling to undergraduate and graduate students at Hunter College, New York University, University of Missouri-Columbia, and the University of Delaware, where she held a joint appointment as a Psychologist in the Center for Counseling and Student Development. Dr. Grayman-Simpson has co-directed multiple intensive study abroad programs in the Caribbean; and at Goucher, she teaches content, methods, and applied psychology courses concerned with issues of power, collective/cultural identity, and subjective well-being. She pursues two related lines of research: (1) collective/cultural identity and subjective well-being; (2)批判教育和变革学习.



    ResearchGate Page

    Google Scholar Page


    Grayman, N. (2021). Seasonal therapeutic encounters with nature journal: 52 experiences for Baltimoreans. Charleston, SC: KDP.


    **Grayman-Simpson, N., Doucet, F., & Burgos-Lopez, L. (2019). 批判白人教育和认知 参考框架阐述:一个深入的描述性案例. Journal of 改变教育, 17(3), 269–286. http://doi.org/10.1177/1541344618821053

    **Grayman-Simpson, N., & Mattis, J. S. (2017). 社群主义量表2015文化效度研究. 泛非研究,10(3), 127–135.

    Doucet, F., Grayman-Simpson, N., & Wertheim, S. S. (2013). 旅程中的步骤:记录本科怀特 妇女在多元化课程中的变革过程. 高等教育多样性杂志, 6(4), 276-291. http://doi.org/10.1037/a0034334

    Grayman-Simpson, N., & Mattis, J. S. (2013). “如果不是因为教会……”:“组织性的宗教虔诚。 以及非裔美国成年人的非正式社区帮助. 非洲裔美国人研究杂志,17(3), 243 – 252. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12111-012-9213-6

    Grayman-Simpson, N., & Mattis, J. S. (2013). Doing good and feeling good among African Americans: Subjective 虔诚,帮助和满足. 黑人心理学杂志,39(4), 353-369. http://doi.org/10.1177/0095798412461809

    Grayman-Simpson, N. (2012). 黑人社区参与和主观幸福感. 泛非研究杂志, 5(3), 26 - 42.

    Grayman, N. (2009). “We who are dark…:” The Black community according to Black adults in America: 探索性内容分析. 黑人心理学杂志,35(4), 433–455. http://doi.org/10.1177/0095798408329943

    *Gaines-Hanks, N., & Grayman, N. (2009). International service-learning in South Africa and personal change: An exploratory content analysis. 学生工作研究与实践,第46期(1), 72–93. http://doi.org/10.2202/1949-6605.5006

    Mattis, J. S., Mitchell, N., Zapata, A., Grayman, N., Taylor, R., Chatters, L., & Neighbors, H. (2007). 使用部长的支持 非裔美国人:焦点小组研究. 美国骨科精神病学杂志,77(2), 249-258. http://doi.org/10.1037/0002-9432.77.2.249

    Grayman, N. (2005). 蓝宝石:探索大众刻板印象的力量. Psych Discourse, 39, 10-13.

    Mattis, J. S., Eubanks, S., Zapata, A., Grayman, N., Belkin, M., Cooper, S., & Mitchell, N. (2004). 影响宗教缺席的因素 非裔美国男性:一项多方法分析. 宗教研究综述, 45(3), 386–403. http://doi.org/10.2307/3511993

    Mattis, J. S., Fontenot, D., Hatcher-Kay, C., Grayman, N., & Beale, R. (2004). 非裔美国人的宗教信仰、乐观和悲观. 黑人心理学杂志,30(2), 187-207. http://doi.org/10.1177/0095798403260730


    **Grayman-Simpson, N., Mattis, J. S., & Tomi, N. (2016). 非洲女性应对创伤的方法 生活事件:元民族志. In E. L. Short, & L. Wilton (Eds.), Talking about structural inequalities in everyday life: New politics of race in groups, organizations, and social systems.

    Mattis, J. S., Grayman-Simpson, N., Powell-Hammond, W., Anderson, R. E., & Mattis, J. (2016). 积极心理学 African Americans. In. E. Chang, C. A. Downey, J. K. Hirsch, & N. Lin (Eds.), 积极心理学 racial and ethnic minority groups: Theory, research, and practice.

    Mattis, J. S., & Grayman-Simpson, N. (2013). 非裔美国人生活中的信仰与神圣. In K. Pargament (Ed.), 心理学,宗教,灵性手册.

    *Gains-Hanks, N., & Grayman-Simpson, N. (2011). Intercultural tensions within international service-learning: Reflections on Barbados. In T. Stewart & N. Webster (Eds.), Exploring cultural dynamics and tensions within service-learning.


    Grayman-Simpson, N. (2017). Cultural identity. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), 圣人百科全书中的变态 以及临床心理学.

    Grayman-Simpson, N. (2017). 文化适性治疗. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), The sage 变态与临床心理学百科全书.


    **Grayman-Simpson, N., & Finley, M. (2017). 心理学教学大纲的定性研究方法. 心理学教学学会项目大纲. 华盛顿特区:美国心理学会.

    Grayman-Simpson, N. (2017). 文化心理学:黑人心理学教学大纲. 心理学教学学会项目大纲. 华盛顿特区:美国心理学会.

    ** = Goucher Student, Alum, or Student Affairs Staff Contribution

    * =作者的同等贡献


    "Black Traumatic Grief Therapy Education," Baltimore, MD CLLCTIVLY Adaptive Village 助学金(2022年颁发5000美元).

    "Black Psychology Course," Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Teaching 资源奖(2017年颁发).

    “Transition to America Immigrant Youth Psychoeducational Program,” New York City Department of Youth and Community Development ($25,000 Awarded Pre Goucher).

    “Boys II Men Psychoeducational Program For At Risk Youth,” YMCA of Greater New York (奖金8,000美元).

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation


    **Grayman-Simpson, N., McKinley, J., & Njie, Z. (2019, June). Integrating case study method, experiential method, and interpretative phenomenological method to teach psychology as a human science and qualitative research methods for psychology. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Division 5 Society for 心理学质的探究会议,波士顿,麻萨诸塞州.

    **Sejour, K., & Grayman-Simpson, N. (2018, February). The power of mentorship: Face validity of Black female student-faculty mentor relationships. Poster presented at the Teachers College, Columbia University Winter Roundtable Conference. Theme: “Nevertheless, She Persisted: Power and Patriarchy in Psychology and Education,” New York, NY.

    **Grayman-Simpson, N., & Sejour, K. (2014, August). Communalism scale cultural validity study preliminary findings. Poster presented at the 黑人心理学家协会 Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

    ** =云顶集团学生或校友贡献

    Invited Talks

    Take Back the Night Panel Discussion, TurnAround Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 服务,摩根州立大学,巴尔的摩,马里兰州(2019)

    “信心、希望与疗愈”小组讨论, San Francisco Human Rights Commission and American Educational Research Association (AERA)年会,纽约,纽约(2018)

    Black Communalism and Mental Health in the Black Lives Matter Era Research Talk Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School 公共卫生,巴尔的摩,马里兰州(2017年)


    • 黑人心理学家协会
    • American Psychological Association Division 5: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
    • American Psychological Association Division 17: Society of Counseling Psychology
    • American Psychological Association Division 29: Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
    • American Psychological Association Division 56: Trauma Psychology
    • 马里兰州心理健康咨询协会
    • 马里兰州辅导员教育与监督协会



    Virtual Author Series: Therapeutic Encounters with Nature Journal, Goucher College, 2022

    Amina, Netflix和非洲女性,《云顶集团》,2022年

    复杂悲伤+自然疗法. Nyasha Grayman《云顶集团》,2022年

    Is There Room for Spirituality, Religion, and Wellness in Revolution?,《云顶集团》,2022年

    理解悲伤:与Dr. Nyasha Grayman, MommiNation, 2022

    The Banker, Black Capitalism, and the Myth of Black Buying Power,《云顶集团》,2022年

    观察到的悲伤:集体悲伤 & Trauma,《云顶集团》,2022年

    我错过了《云顶集团》, I Mix What I Like Show, 2021

    当双胞胎中的一个和Dr. Nyasha Grayman,《云顶集团》播客,2021年

    从贝尔胡克斯到Boondocks, I Mix What I Like Show, 2021

    革命对思想、身体和灵魂都有好处, Atlanta's WRFG Revolutionary African Perspectives Show, 2020

    Baltimore College Professor Will Only Teach Remotely This FallNPR新闻与玛德琳品牌秀,2020年


    事情的发生都有原因吗?, 88.9 FM WEAA Marc Steiner展示哲学家圆桌会议,2014


    Grayman-Simpson, N. (2017). 为回音室辩护.

    Grayman-Simpson, N. (2016). Statement to my students regarding the election of Donald Trump as POTUS.


    William T. 奖助金基金评审

    Palgrave Macmillian African Psychology and Counseling Textbook Reviewer


    Oxford University Press Psychology of Racism Textbook Reviewer

    Journal Reviewer for: Religions, 宗教研究综述, Journal of Black Studies, Journal of Black Psychology, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, Developmental 心理学,家庭问题杂志